A Title!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget ullamcorper turpis. Duis pharetra erat quis dolor congue laoreet quis in eros. Fusce lacus lacus, scelerisque ac tincidunt non, mattis sed nisi. Quisque accumsan efficitur dictum. Nulla pulvinar nibh tellus, id imperdiet ante molestie at. Integer a ante vulputate nunc euismod hendrerit et non metus. Cras eleifend dignissim finibus. Duis ultricies lorem mollis velit facilisis, vitae pulvinar enim scelerisque. Sed ut erat a lectus hendrerit rhoncus. Integer vel sapien sagittis, vehicula dui ac, consequat leo.

Page about activities

Page with videos

Page with news

Other stuff

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This is some text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget ullamcorper turpis. Duis pharetra erat quis dolor congue laoreet quis in eros. Fusce lacus lacus, scelerisque ac tincidunt non, mattis sed nisi. Quisque accumsan efficitur dictum. Nulla pulvinar nibh tellus, id imperdiet ante molestie at. Integer a ante vulputate nunc euismod hendrerit et non metus. Cras eleifend dignissim finibus. Duis ultricies lorem mollis velit facilisis, vitae pulvinar enim scelerisque. Sed ut erat a lectus hendrerit rhoncus. Integer vel sapien sagittis, vehicula dui ac, consequat leo.
Thumbnail list of posts in a category: set featured image and Post-snippet for text. Must have something in snippet to work.
East Bay Science Cafe - Life beyond the Earth

East Bay Science Cafe – Life beyond the Earth

Life beyond the Earth:
Telescopes, exoplanets, and the search for intelligent life
with Dr. Howard Isaacson

Science Lecture March 21 - Geometry and Symmetry

Science Lecture March 21 – Geometry and Symmetry

The Power and beauty of geometry and symmetry
with Prof. Carlo H. Séquin

East Bay Science Cafe March 12 - CRISPR

East Bay Science Cafe March 12 – CRISPR

CRISPR: Rewriting DNA and the future of humanity
with Dr. Megan Hochstrasser


A Title

East Bay Science Cafe - Life beyond the Earth

East Bay Science Cafe – Life beyond the Earth

Life beyond the Earth:
Telescopes, exoplanets, and the search for intelligent life
with Dr. Howard Isaacson

Science Lecture March 21 - Geometry and Symmetry

Science Lecture March 21 – Geometry and Symmetry

The Power and beauty of geometry and symmetry
with Prof. Carlo H. Séquin

East Bay Science Cafe March 12 - CRISPR

East Bay Science Cafe March 12 – CRISPR

CRISPR: Rewriting DNA and the future of humanity
with Dr. Megan Hochstrasser


Another Title

East Bay Science Cafe - Life beyond the Earth

East Bay Science Cafe – Life beyond the Earth

Life beyond the Earth:
Telescopes, exoplanets, and the search for intelligent life
with Dr. Howard Isaacson

Science Lecture March 21 - Geometry and Symmetry

Science Lecture March 21 – Geometry and Symmetry

The Power and beauty of geometry and symmetry
with Prof. Carlo H. Séquin

East Bay Science Cafe March 12 - CRISPR

East Bay Science Cafe March 12 – CRISPR

CRISPR: Rewriting DNA and the future of humanity
with Dr. Megan Hochstrasser